We've donated £31100 to local groups to help care for the environment

Bolton Green Umbrella

Bolton Green Umbrella was formed in August 2016 when a small number of like-minded people talked about how encouraging and motivating it was that we had at last discovered each others’ existence.

For years each of us had been despairing of the deterioration we saw in our town; the loss of the pride in one’s own community that used to exist.

That’s the spirit we want to recover in our town.
For more information about us, please click here.

Bolton Green Umbrella

Ready to Make a Difference?

Litter Pickers
Conservation Group
Community Garden
Community Group
Young People Group
Men in Sheds
Walking and Rambling

Quote LeftOur mission is to act as an umbrella organisation which recognises and supports volunteer and community groups who look after the environment in Bolton.Quote Right

Our Work

We seek out groups and like-minded individuals to form a network that promotes our aim of making Bolton a cleaner and greener town for all its residents. We work together to restore pride in our town, and take responsibility for our own back yard.

We also work to commit local organisations and businesses to care for and maintain the area around their premises, volunteer their time and/or resources to a local volunteer group or project.

Local Groups

We aim to promote, support and encourage local volunteer groups and individuals who work to improve their environment. To view local groups, please see our local groups page. If you are involved with a local group, please consider adding your details to this site.


We ask local organisations and businesses to commit to caring for the environment around their places of business, and supporting local voluntary activities. To view local organisations, please see our organisations page. If you are involved with a local organisation or business, please consider adding your details to this site.

The Pledge

Many organisations commit to looking after the environment by taking our pledge. For more details about the organisations and the pledge, please see our organisations page.

Latest Addition

Friends of School Hill

We are newly formed group (supported by the local Peer Navigators) who want to renovate a disused communal area into a clean, green space for local residents (all living in flats with garden space of their own).

We also want to promote recycling and litter picking to keep the area nice for everyone.

Group Logo

Next Event

Smithills Nature Trail : Introductory Volunteer Meeting

Smithills Nature Trail Volunteer Project - Group Meeting

This is an introductory session to inform prospective volunteers about Smithills Nature Trail and Gardens Volunteer Project. The session will be interactive along with a short presentation of the work undertaken to date and future planned work. The aim being to recruit volunteers to support the planned work. Refreshments will be served.

If you plan to attend please confirm via email: smithillstrailvolunteers@gmail.com

Latest News

Environmental funding

Breightmet Community Hub Men in Sheds | Tuesday 11 February 2025

Men in sheds donated bird feeder made from funding to The Withins Residental Home Breightmet not only for benifit of wildlife but also for benifit of Health and Wellbeing of local residents.

News Article Image

Our Aims and Objectives

We aim to show volunteers that they are not alone; they are part of something much bigger.

We aim to encourage groups and volunteers to continue their fantastic work.

We aim to acknowledge local groups and volunteers fantastic contribution to our town.

We aim to enable mutual support between groups.

We aim to enable the sharing of ideas and resources.

We aim to give the volunteer body more influence upon Bolton Council, local businesses and organisations.

We aim to provide support and guidance for funding applications.

We aim to offer access to training for volunteers.

We aim to provide advice and support to individuals and fledging groups.

Bolton Green Umbrella Newsletter

We send a regular e-mail newsletter with information about groups, events and volunteering opportunities.

We'd love to add your name to our subscribers.