Bolton West Guerrilla Gardeners

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We are a group of volunteers who have transformed several pieces of land by planting bulbs, seeds and plants in neglected spaces. Our most notable achievement is at the brick beds on Mornington Rd. (near Morrisons) where we have filled the beds with bulbs and flowering plants.

We meet whenever we have energy and time or we think we need to attend to a neglected green space. We will usually post on our facebook page about what we will be doing.

* Everybody is welcome at our gardening sessions whether you have gardened before or not but please note that children and vulnerable adults should be accompanied. If you have gardening tools such as trowels, hand forks, garden forks/spades, rakes or secateurs please bring them with you. We do have spare equipment but it is limited.
* We are very happy to accommodate any businesses that would like to offer volunteering opportunities to staff but please note this may be seasonal.
* Donations of plants, seeds or bulbs and other things that may help us to create and maintain green spaces are always lovely. If we cannot use them at one of our projects we may pass them to another community group. Plants do not have to be wildflowers but we would like them to be bee and butterfly friendly. Please no monbretia aka crocosmia x crocosmiflora as it is an offence to plant or otherwise allow this species to grow in the wild.
*If you have an idea for transforming a green space please do let us know. We can't promise that we will be able to help you on the site but we will be happy to help you in other ways ie planing, dealing with the land owner etc

Part of Green Shoots Bolton NW

Contact Details

Heather Berry

07790 424290


by Bolton West Guerrilla Gardeners | Wednesday 13 March 2024 | 0 Comments
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Many thanks for the BGU funding, we really appreciate it.
The funding has been spent on purchasing shrubs, grasses and autumn flowering plants to extend the season of interest at the Brick Beds on Mornington Rd. These are being grown on as we bought small to have more plants.  We have spent the rest of the money on primroses for an embankment on Captains Clough where there are already a small number of primroses established and for cowslips for nearby grassland.

The plants fo More.....

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by Bolton West Guerrilla Gardeners | Tuesday 18 May 2021 | 0 Comments
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Bolton West Guerilla Gardeners would like to thank Bolton Green Umbrella for the grant which enabled us to spend as follows:
£40 on compost
£40 on bulbs
£120 for summer plants and seeds

Check out our Facebook page (8) Bolton West Guerilla Gardeners | Facebook to see how busy we have been and what a difference we have made to Bolton West!

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