LWT Balsam Bash

Bolton's Balsam Bash Thursday 18 July 2024

This event is led by Lancashire Wildlife Trust. Meeting point TBA

We are asking those who attend to be fully covered e.g. long sleeves and trousers and wear suitable foot wear. We are also making sure they are prepared for the weather, e.g. sunscreen or waterproofs, and to bring water. 

No prior experience is necessary, guidance and tools (if required) will be provided.
For further information please email:  gluckett@lancswt.org.uk

Thursday 18 July 2024

10:00 - 13:00

Nob End Nature Reserve, Little Lever Bolton, BL3 1AD


Event Image
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About Bolton's Balsam Bash

Bolton's Balsam Bash aims to bring together a number of local public, private and voluntary stakeholders to collectively tackle the ever-spreading Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) in Bolton. It is expected that a number of local environmental organisations and local voluntary groups will be carrying out events to control the spread of this species in certain areas of Bolton this year. Please refer to the events calendar on this website to see if there is a 'Bash' happening near you. In addition to this, Balsam Basher's are also encouraged to download the INNS Mapper on their mobiles to help record and monitor the extent of this species within the borough.

The app requires signing up to keep track of your uploads and is relatively easy to use. You can download this tool on your phone or access the site via laptop or tablet at: https://innsmapper.org/home
For any further information or advice on using the app. Please contact the app administrator at: invasives@ywt.org.uk

If you or someone you know would like to lead a balsam bash and your area of focus is on council-owned land. Please contact the council at their neighbourhood services inbox, with a subject heading stating Bolton's Balsam Bash.

More Details..

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