GMJ Fire Prevention Ltd | Friday 27 December 2024 | 0 Comments

Fire Safety regulations and the phase out of Aqueous Film Foam (AFFF) fire extinguishers will be in place by 4th July 2025. Following this date the (AFFF) Foam extinguisher content wil be completely banned. Here is a link to the Environment Agency Compliance Advice document

The AFFF (Foam) extinguishers contain perfluorooctanic Acid (PFOA) and other toxic chemicals from the Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Group, these are known as 'forever chemicals', this is due to to their environmental persistance. PFAS chemicals do not break down easily and can dissolve quickly through water, spreading through soil, streams and rivers.

Any AFFF Extinguiushers currently in place can be used until 4th July 2025, but only under strict conditions regarding containment and disposal of any discharge. 

All the effected extinguishers must be disposed of properly by an accredited disposal Company. It is not recommended you despose of AFFF extinguishers yourself as these are considered to be hazardous wastes. 

Should you have any requirement for fire extinguisher cover it would be wise to consider the above points mentioned. Perhaps choosing the purchase of Water and Co2 or Dry Powder fire extinguishers wherenever suitable to do so. 

Extinguisher Companies are developing a range of compliant Foam extinguishers, but be careful not to purchase AFFF Foam!

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