Edgworth and District Horticulture Society
We are a friendly and very active society in the North West of England, located in a small village between Bolton and Blackburn, but with members attending our meetings from a 20 mile radius.
We have meetings most months of the year (see Programme), together with day and evening visits to gardens large and small. Every summer, many of our members and friends take part in our long weekend mini-holiday, visiting gardens in other parts of the country.
Our big event of the year is the Annual Show, which takes place on the third Saturday of August. As well as the traditional horticultural classes of flowers, fruit and vegetables, we have classes for cookery, art and crafts, photography and flower arranging.
We meet Monthly on Wednesdays between 7pm and 8.30pm.
For information about our next event, please contact us
Contact Details
Heather Berry
07790 424290

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