Friends of School Hill
We are newly formed group (supported by the local Peer Navigators) who want to renovate a disused communal area into a clean, green space for local residents (all living in flats with no garden space of their own).
Our project is to take place on the estate around School Hill, BL1. We want to screen off the area between the bins and create a child friendly place to play and put some plants in maybe to climb up a trellis, and in the raised bed some herbs and say what they are good for. A play area on this for the kids to dig and play and plant some new things. Also possible a sand pit and a whirly gig washing line, as the residents use the plant bed for drying their washing at the moment!.
We want to make it nicer for the residents to be outside, and for the children on the estate to feel safer and a cleaner environment, and hopefully this will improve attitudes, and then we can encourage going to work and looking after themselves better in prep for this hopefully, and encourage the younger generation to have higher expectations for their future
We also want to promote recycling and litter picking to keep the area nice for everyone.
Contact Details
Emily Barrow

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