Feedback on BGU donation: Breightmet
Brighter Breightmet | Saturday 24 October 2020 | 0 Comments
It has been a strange year. Our weekly gardening sessions had to stop when the first lock down took place back in March, just when the growing season was underway. However we’re been slowly getting back on top of things, with the help of Bolton Green Umbrella.
Last autumn we received a grant of £500 from BGU aimed at looking after the high street. And the residents of the surrounding streets certainly appreciate the work we’ve been doing along Roscow Avenue connecting ginnel to Stephens Street, and Empire Road. It has paid for our annual insurance, hedge clipper repairs, fuel and materials and bits and bobs to help connect our hose pipes together.
The streets surround St James’ Church Yard, which contains a wealth of history carved into its memorial stones as well as First and Second World War graves and it is the resting place of Canon Slade. It’s a little oasis of greenery where the bustle of the streets gives way to a country feel and a slower pace reminiscent of a bygone era.
Despite the lock down we’ve been able to run some sessions more recently and in a short time hedges that looked like they need a trip to the barbers are now stylish and trimmed. The weekly litter pick makes a tremendous difference as well as general tidying up. The main path to the church was covered in moss and after someone slipped on it the church asked if we could help so we power washed the area and treated for moss. Last autumn we installed a memorial bench just off Roscow Avenue that had been made by our local men in sheds group.
We’re a small team but a little goes a long way. When we’ve not been able to meet the difference has been quite marked… grass doesn’t stop growing during a lockdown so we’ve a bit of catching up to do. Anyone interested is always welcome to come along any Monday 10am -1pm. A big thank you once again to BGU for the support and this amazing website which helps keep us all connected!

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