It's a Brand New Day
Bolton Conservation Volunteers | Tuesday 27 September 2022 | 0 Comments
Forgive me Green Umbrella for I have sinned, it has been nearly 18 months since my last post. I was having a relaxing Sunday when I heard a voice from above, and the voice said 'THOU SHALT WRITE NEW STUFF,' then it mumbled something about Wi-Fi and disappeared leaving me a little perturbed. So for my penance I've written some new stuff and here it is.
Since our emergence from Lockdown we have pretty much returned to business as usual, the number of volunteers on tasks is back to pre-covid levels, we have new people joining and old members returning. We have worked at Firwood Fold, Longsight Park, Doffcocker Lodge, Eatock Lodge, Walker Fold Wood, Dunscar Wood, The Barlow, Moses Gate, Smithills, Ousels Nest, Chew Moor, and Jumbles Country Park. We have dug ponds, restored reedbeds, planted trees, rescued orchards, managed wild flower meadows, and more stuff than you could shake a stick at, even a really big stick. But is this enough? NO!
For the last 40 something years BCV has always had its fundays on Sundays, but now we move out of our comfort zone and into Thursday. Arthur Dent might not have been able to get the hang of Thursdays but we can. Thursday is our sister task day to Sunday for those who just can't get enough of that yummy BCV goodness. The Thursday bunch aims to reach heights that other tasks can't reach, and give something to do to those whose weekdays aren't taken up by other less fun things. Recently a team on a pilot version of the Thursday tasks have built a Tern Raft at Doffcocker Lodge, and it was a massive success. Other tasks are planned for the upcoming calendar, a calendar that can be found on our fantastic website's Task Calendar page which can be found by following this link
So, get in touch, turn out, have fun, and make Thursday a day to be reckoned with. And for everyone else, we'll always have Sunday.

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Wildfest, I Think I Love You
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BCV help Friends of Firwood
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Rock and Roll Heroes
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Happy Trails
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Those About to Dig, We Salute You.
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