HUNDREDS of people joined in a mass campaign on Saturday, as two weeks' work culminated with 3,000 trees being planted on just one day on the Smithills estate
The Woodland Trust is a UK wide organisation but in Bolton we are based in Smithills Hall in North Bolton and The Woodland Trust land, known as Smithills Estate, stretches all the way from the hall up to the mast at Winter Hill! We have a wide range of activities throughout the year that we would love you to be invloved with. These include a series of walks such as Foraging Walks, Photography Walks, History Walks and a wide variety of volunteering opportunities from Education Volunteers to Practical Group Leaders! We also have a range of other events such as a twice yearly mass tree planting event which we welcome everyone to attend. Please get in touch to find out more informaiton.
Charlotte Atty
HUNDREDS of people joined in a mass campaign on Saturday, as two weeks' work culminated with 3,000 trees being planted on just one day on the Smithills estate
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