BGU Grant F'back 2024 Harwood Litter
Harwood Litter Pickers | Saturday 30 March 2024 | 0 Comments
Thanks so much for the grant from BGU.
We litterpick all over Harwood and beyond. In picking near to the Rockery opposite Roka restaurant on Bradshaw Brow we realised it had become as much of an eyesore as the litter. Action was taken.
We bought plants and shrubs were bought from two different nurseries: Holden Clough £68, Gill nurseries, Little Lever £117
The last two planting areas on the flat section of Harwood Rockery community space will be finally planted in the next two weeks. Our grant was only transferred to us March 22nd, so planting is on-going weather permitting. The remaining £15 will be used to buy compost to top up the flower beds.
The funding made all the previous hard work on reviving the other sections of the rockery worthwhile. We felt our project was validated and our efforts acknowledged. It was also a relief on our own pockets as up till then we had used our personal funds. We now know that only maintenance will be the ongoing way forward.
This has benefitted the local community. Our Litter Picking group in picking near to this Rockery realised it had become as much of an eyesore as the litter. Action was taken.
Passers by often express their thanks. The seating area is a much nicer place to rest as derelict beds now have plants and soon all beds will be complete.
I post to the local facebook page at every stage and much appreciation is expressed. I shall do the same for this final section too. I intend to take pictures after planting which I will forward along with sample responses from the community. The time schedule has been tight having applied late.
Thank you very much for the funding to complete our rockery revival.

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